Sunday, August 31, 2014
Switch Back to Animal House
After our hair raising 4 wheeling we headed home and enjoyed Margaritas on the deck. Later Andi and hiked down to the river.
4Runner Still in One Piece
I sat in the back seat contemplating our next vehicle purchase....Andi got out several times to direct Chris around boulders the size of small cars. With the wind so furious we put off hiking to James Peak, 13,300 feet, for another time.
12,039 Feet - Rocky Mountain High
Ventured out from Animal House on an adventure to climb James Peak. Went on the road to the Moffat Tunnel then took the 4WD trail up Mammoth Gulch. Parked at a wide spot then started walking the road/trail. The Force of the wind was so bad it made your eyes water. After around 30 minutes of pure torture we piled back in the car and continued on.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Chris' Birthday Fishing
South Boulder Creek - Andi took her daddy fishing for his birthday, they brought home these three that Andi caught. Chris released the ones he caught.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Mushroom Hike
The one was a silvery blue, very unusual. It was rather overcast, looked like it was going to cut loose any moment.
Mushroom Hike
Lump Gulch the fun-guys were out in full force. The red and white ones are my favorites, amanita muscaria, also known as fly agaric. They are toxic and hallucinatory, no wonder gnomes hang out around them.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Clear Creek Gold Panning
After the fair we drove down Clear Creek Canyon, this is a hot spot for gold panning. Andi even used a sluice, didn't find anything. However there were no dead bodies here unlike our previous gold panning in Denver.
Gilpin Fair
Mountain Man selling potions, bronco busting and kids flying around. Made me sick watching the kids.....
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Gilpin County - Dog Agility
First they had a practice run. The guy in the black shirt with the black dog lead the way, his dog was amazing. Did everything perfectly, from shaking the judges hand, saying hello to judge's dog, got on the platform, see-saw, tunnel of doom, danced on the trailer, went through the hula hoops, the tent, jumped over the barrels and finished with a dignified pose on the rock!
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