Finally found somebody to share a drink of Buckfast & Guinness. Nancy popped in for some last minute conversation, before our departure. She knew about this concoction. It was a really different drink, equal parts of tonic wine and beer. Buckfast Tonic Wine is an original recipe of the Benedictine Monks of Buckfast Abbey, Devon England. So I guess this drink is kind of religious. Chris would have nothing to do with it.
Clearing out the refrigerator has produced some interesting meals. We were down to our last three lobster tails, Kerry Gold Butter and lemons. This was an excellent meal, followed by chocolate cake. Can't go wrong with that combo.
Nancy shared some fairly amazing stories. One about local brothers involved in murder at the tender age of 12 years. These men are still about in the neighborhood.
Love Buckfast and the odd Guinness here in Scotland